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    The overlook of JingZhou YuZhong - covered 47,140.00 s.q.meters of area
    The overlook of JingZhou YuZhong - covered 47,140.00 s.q.meters of area
    3 workshops display - one for spray painting, one for steel processing, and one for assembly
    3 workshops display - one for spray painting, one for steel processing, and one for assembly
    The front view of JIngZhoung Yuzhong Food Machinery
    The front view of JIngZhoung Yuzhong Food Machinery
    JingZhou YuZhong Front View - two office buildings in the front of the workshop with 15,000 s.q.m.
    JingZhou YuZhong Front View - two office buildings in the front of the workshop with 15,000 s.q.m.
    Front View of our company-YuZhong
    Front View of our company-YuZhong
    YuZhong Workshops behind the office buildings
    YuZhong Workshops behind the office buildings
    Product assembly lines of YuZhong
    Product assembly lines of YuZhong
    Production assembly lines of impurities separator classifiers
    Production assembly lines of impurities separator classifiers
    Production assembly lines of pre-cleaner, destoner, vibration cleaner
    Production assembly lines of pre-cleaner, destoner, vibration cleaner
The overlook of JingZhou YuZhong - covered 47,140.00 s.q.meters of area
3 workshops display - one for spray painting, one for steel processing, and one for assembly
The front view of JIngZhoung Yuzhong Food Machinery
JingZhou YuZhong Front View - two office buildings in the front of the workshop with 15,000 s.q.m.
Front View of our company-YuZhong
YuZhong Workshops behind the office buildings
Product assembly lines of YuZhong
Production assembly lines of impurities separator classifiers
Production assembly lines of pre-cleaner, destoner, vibration cleaner
Welcome to submit, we will contact you!

No.75 Daya Road, Shashi Economic Development Zone, Jingzhou City
Tel: +86-15927779698 +86-18627299589

Copyright(C)2023,Jingzhou Yuzhong Food Machinery Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Supported by Toocle 31fabu Copyright Notice  鄂ICP备2023010936号-1





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