Rotary Drum Sieve CleanerVibrating Screen SeparatorMultideck Rotary Cleaner with Air Aspirator SytemMultideck Sieve Cleaner with Air Aspirator SystemMobile Rotary Screen CleanerMLS Static ScreenMobile Pulse Dust Cleaner
Low Temperature Rise Rice Electric Whitener-BVertical Rice Whitener-MLSVertical Rice Whitener-MLT Low Temperature Rise Rice Whitener MNMF-ALow Temperature Rise Rice Whitener MNMF-2A
MHDX-BWhite rice graderThickness grader MHDX-BThickness grader MHDX-ZLength GraderWhite rice graderWhite rice grader
Mobile Grain UnloaderMulti-function Food Throwing Belt ConveyorMulti-function Telescopic ConveyorMobile Lifting Belt ConveyorMulti-point Unloading Belt ConveyorScrew ConveyorForged Chain ConveyorScraper ConveyorChain Scraper ConveyorBucket ElevatorLow Speed ElevatorUltra-low Speed Anti-Broken Elevator
Grain storage ventilation sieve plate generally made of 1.5mm or 2mm cold-rolled high-quality steel , the surface of the sieve plate is oxidation and corrosion resistance because of colored galvanized or white galvanized special handing.
1、Simple installation, to prevent blocking holes from grain, small airflow resistance, corrosion resistance, not easy damaged.
2、Good ventilation uniformity, strong strength, can withstand grain and workers in and out of the weight.
1、Simple installation, to prevent blocking holes from grain, small airflow resistance, corrosion resistance, not easy damaged.
2、Good ventilation uniformity, strong strength, can withstand grain and workers in and out of the weight.
No.75 Daya Road, Shashi Economic Development Zone, Jingzhou City
Tel: +86-15927779698 +86-18627299589
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